Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday 8th

Had a good discussion with the clan after dinner last night (delicious roast lamb in case you’re at all interested) and think we’re all on the same page.  Might seem a little thing to some, but it has lifted what I perceived as some pressure off me.  Think I’ve got a great support team around me and am lucky in that regard.

While on the subject of discussions, had a good one on Friday night with my sister-in-law Christine and it was really good to talk about how chemo affected her and hear things from a “survivor’s” perspective.  (Doesn't "survivor" sound terrible?  Think "victor" sounds better)  Think I will take her up on her offer to talk some more once I know what they’re going to do to me.

Also seems that Mr Hamilton, the oncologist is very highly regarded, so seems I’ve got the A-Team in my medical corner.

Figure there is a high probability that the blemish on my palate and the remaining bits of the left tonsil are going to have to be dealt with before any chemo and/or radiotherapy starts, so I’m prepared for that.  Of course, this is all subject to what Mr Morrissey has to say at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.

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