Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Day After

Been and had my hair cut this morning.  Ruth took me there and back as I’m not allowed to drive for 24 hours after the op.  She’s now gone home and I’m just chilling out.

Had a reasonably good night’s sleep, but find trying to swallow first thing requires a lot of effort.  Bit of a problem when you’re trying to take some painkillers, but eventually get them down and they start to kick in.

Moira came around this afternoon and it was hard to see her reaction “in the flesh”.  It is a strange thing, but I know she genuinely cares, yet I seem more worried about her feelings than my situation.  Damn it, still putting others before myself.  I’d promised myself that I was going to put myself first and am already breaking my word.

Eating is still somewhat of a mission – ice cream certainly helps to soothe the throat, so good thing I stocked up earlier in the week.

Trying not to rely on painkillers too much.  Taking panadol a couple of times during the day and tramadol at night to ensure a good sleep.  Difflam spray is helping, but still hard to hit the spot as everything is so inflamed I can’t see a damn thing.

Jason has come around for a visit and I’ve told him news.  He is now sitting quietly on the couch.  Have had some dinner but still struggling with the swallowing thing.  We’re watching the Hurricanes play the Chiefs and that isn’t exactly lifting the mood.

Well, bugger me, the Canes won.  Jase has gone home and I’m having another early night.  Hope this drowsiness doesn’t last too much longer.

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