Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don't be a Hero - Medicate!

Wendie and I also discussed medication options and I told her how I'd consciously not taken painkillers after both the biopsy and teeth.  Also told her how Wendy (the Hutt Hospital nurse) had made me see the error of my ways in that it was better to manage the pain from the outset in a controlled fashion, than to have to come in and fight it once it got control and was making things unbearable.

There is now no doubt in my mind that these people know what they're talking about and there is nothing to be gained by me taking an heroic stance and trying to tough it out.

Hence forth, I'm totally behind Wendie's mantra: "there is no upper limit to the pain relief we can offer you".  Yippee - bring it on.

Allow me to assure you that Jake's arrival has seen me only too willing to make use of the prescribed drugs - no more heroics from this boy.

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