Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Was That?

My last post reached somewhat of a momentous milestone - it was number 100.
No matter which way you look at it, I have a lot of things to be thankful for - not least being actually still here able to write this blog.

So, how am I going to start the next century?, well it is unfortunately going to be somewhat of a gripe.  I've praised the public health system throughout my battle and, despite what I'm about to say, the treatment and compassion I've received has been faultless.

My issue/problem revolves around my hearing.  Given the results of my two hearing tests clearly show a significant loss (which can only be contributed to my treatment given the relatively short period of time between them), I'm struggling to get any traction with regards a resolution.  

I'm finding it increasingly frustrating to have to concentrate as hard as I need to  in order to understand what people are saying to me in certain environments.  It is worse in some situations than others and is normally more of an issue when the person is speaking quietly and/or not talking directly at me.

I've rung the audiology clinic at the hospital and asked what is going on and they said they'd retrieve my file, take a look at it and give me a call to discuss.  That was a couple of months ago now.  At my last appointment, I left under the impression my file was being referred back to medical oncology (it was their treatment that has this side effect) and expected some delay given they had effectively discharged me.  I now feel like I've fallen through one of those oft talked about holes in the system.

There is no doubt a fine line that can be crossed if you continue to hound people, but this is by far the biggest "disability" to come out of my treatment.  I'm learning to find workarounds for my eating issues, and in reality don't go hungry, so that is more of a minor inconvenience than struggling to hear.

I know I'm lucky to be able to hear as well as I can - there are a lot of people who would no doubt happily cut off a limb to be able to hear as well as me - and perhaps given how well I've recovered in other areas, I should consider the bigger picture and just be thankful full-stop.

The problem is, I've come out the other side from my battle with the cancer, but it is like there is this secondary battle over my hearing that I feel can be won, but nobody is putting their hand up to give me the necessary weapons.

I suppose one option is to wait for my gang of 7 appointment and see if they can rattle some cages.  That is only a few weeks away and given how long I've waited, I can no doubt survive until then.  But, can I resist the temptation to ring audiology again before then though, now that I've "purged" myself (or is that wound myself up) via this posting?

Bugger, another dilemma to think about.

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