Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome Back

To Wellington Hospital Emergency Department.
Not the place I wanted to visit again so soon and especially on a cold Thursday night, but sometimes you have no say in the matter.

Seems I didn't touch the right sort of wood the other day when I said there were no side effects to the meds changes.

I had my normal 4pm meds yesterday, including my fortisip, then went and had a lie down.  At around 5:45 I felt rumblings like I needed a trip to the loo, but is soon became obvious it was the other end that wanted to do business.  I then proceeded to vomit - not big time. but enough to know something wasn't right.  Rang Ruth S who flew around in record time and it was onto the phone to the district nurses.  End result was as this was a new symptom, they wanted me to go to Emergency and the oncology registrar would be expecting me.

Believe me I fought this as best I could - the prospect of losing a night waiting didn't appeal, but in the end I had to comply.  Moira kindly assumed role of driver and we headed off, arriving there just before 7pm.  We then waited and eventually were taken through just after 8pm.  Then the next round of waiting started.  Cutting a long evening short, decision was to reset anti-nausea to original levels and hope that settles everything down.  Eventually got a new syringe all sorted and we got home around 11pm.

If this doesn't sort it, possible I've got some sort of gastric bug.

Slept pretty well, but have had a little up-chuck this morning as well and not sure if that is related or a by product of difficulties clearing my throat this morning (scan be a bit of a mission some mornings due to dryness overnight).  Stomach now a bit unsettled, so looks like we play wait and see for a while.


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