Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And The Mystery Deepens

What a mission this morning was.

It all started last night with me needing to connect my feed pump up earlier, so I could then disconnect earlier this morning.
This morning (after another night of broken sleep), it was up at 6:30 and take first lot of meds, so main meds could be 7:30, so I could get on road to hospital - in rush hour traffic.  Lucky me.

Got to the hospital in time and they were expecting me, just not expecting to have to change site and they didn't know how to work the syringe driver.  It all washed out in the end - although we need to replace the extension kits that go between the syringe and the site because the ones they have fitted are way too short and I can't physically move the pump more than a few cm from me.

Next it was on to outpatients for my ENT appointment - the systems knew nothing about an appointment or me.  Great.  I'm told to sit down in the waiting area (each clinic has different coloured chairs) and duly get called in at 10am - somebody obviously knew I was coming. 

After detailing some background, the doctor duly inspects the area and decides he needs to view it down the scope.  so, numb the right nostril and poke the thing down. While this is the 3rd or 4th time I've had this procedure, it is still an uncomfortable one.

End result - don't know what the lump is, so will organise an ultrasound/scan and wants to see me again next Wednesday.  If the lump gets bigger in meantime, it's back to A&E.

Doctor's current suspicion is it is blocked drainage channels for saliva, etc that the radiotherapy as messed with.  He didn't consider it necessary to put a needle in and draw some of it out at this stage, thankfully.  He did say that he didn't think it was anything nasty as it wasn't a hard lump.

So, at the moment, I have no idea if this thing is actually sinister or not and won't know until next week probably.  I'm sticking with my belief that it has come up too quickly to be sinister and will leave it at that for the moment.

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