Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Tick In The Box

Today was Gang of 7 day and it provided another tick in the box as far as my recovery goes.

Mr Hamilton is still happy with things and he even managed to get a look at my tonsils - a first for him.  He was a tad concerned I had not put on any weight since the last clinic (I think I've actually lost a little, but now stabilised), but once I explained I was eating properly, doing exercise ,regaining strength and feeling pretty damn good overall, he was OK.

And, the real kicker - he is going into battle to get my hearing sorted.  He doesn't understand the delays and was quite vocal about they should just get the hearing aid(s) sorted to overcome the nerve damage done by the treatment.  They can't undo the damage, but they can at least do something to mitigate it as much as possible and make it more tolerable for me.

Good result all round.

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