Sunday, September 4, 2011

Right is Might

One thing that I keep forgetting to mention when I talk about the changes I've undergone, and the adjustments I've had to make, relates to my eating habits.

I'm not talking about what I eat, but more how I eat.  Yes, the limited jaw movement alters how I tackle food, yes the saliva issues affect what I can eat, yes the lack of wisdom teeth means I tend to eat more "centrally" to avoid the gaps left behind, but the biggest change is my dependence/preference to eat with the right hand side of my mouth.

The radiotherapy concentrated on the left hand side of my head, after all it was the left tonsil that was causing trouble, so it is therefore logically the side that has suffered the most "collateral damage".

While I have previously commented on the partial "recovery" (that might be too strong a word, but I'll take every little improvement I can) of the saliva, in reality all the activity appears to be on the right hand side.  The left side is undoubtedly still the poor cousin and it is  very much an effort to eat on that side, in comparison to the right.

I've been quite happily ignoring this favouritism for some time, but over recent days, the reality finally hit me.  Since the "revelation" I've been making a conscious effort to try and use the left side of my mouth more, but honestly, it is a real effort and will take quite some time and perseverance to see if I can make it a viable option.

Being left handed (making the right side of my brain dominant apparently) I therefore find it somewhat ironic that I'm now relying so heavily on the right side of my body for something quite important.

Just goes to prove what a truly wonderful machine the human body is.  In my case, it has sort of rewired things to overcome a fault, and while it isn't a perfect solution from a "user interface" perspective, you just can't deny it is pretty damn effective.

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