Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Words I Wanted To Hear

"There is no sign of the cancer growing back".

Those words at my appointment with the specialists yesterday lifted an almighty weight of my shoulders - and my mind.

I'd spent most of the day in various states of anxiety with the mind working overtime as to what they were going to say.  At the last meeting, we got the good news about the lump going down, but everything was too swollen to see the back of my throat.  So hearing those words was just so amazing.  I can't really describe the feeling, but by god it was good.

Yesterday they put a scope down my nostril (uncomfortable) and had a good look around (Ruth S and Moira said it was cool to look at) and it seems things are clearing up nicely.

So, now the words have been uttered and Round 2 says we continue to win.  Go Team Russell.

A heartfelt thanks to all the people who continue to support me through this.  There are times when your actions and/or best wishes are all that gets me through some tough times.

From here we start to reduce the morphine in the pump and this will be reviewed weekly with a view to further reductions.  If everything went 100% to plan (no need for any top-ups), the pump could be gone in about 5 weeks.  Freedom awaits.

The gang of seven was only a gang of 4 yesterday and they were happy with progress overall - next follow-up will be four weeks time.  No mention of oral thrush this time either, so maybe the tide is finally turning.

Another milestone - I had some mashed potato last night to celebrate.  I had what I'd call a small serving and ended up leaving maybe a forkful for the cats to mop up.  Not bad for a first up attempt.  Good thing I'm getting my dental routine under control with food about to become part of the equation more frequently.

So another baby step taken on the recovery route. Might have to see if I can have a bit of a race between Jake and Manny (the pump) to see who is made redundant first.

There you go folks, the post with the news I've been wanting to write for weeks.

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