Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Daily Routine

Thought you might be interested in what my daily routine consists of these days

I still wake up almost hourly during the night to get rid of phlegm.  Fortunately this is now almost  down to a roll over, spit, wipe mouth, roll back, go back to sleep exercise now.

Wake up around 6:15 to take night feed off.  Throat at this stage is really sore, but not much I can do about it as once the pump is off, it's a quick flush of Jake and back to sleep for an hour or so.  This sleep is actually really sound - same sort of routine, but longer periods.  So, if I can start to eat and remove need for pump, sleep pattern should improve as well.

Up for good around 8:00 - 8:15 and that is when the fun starts to get the throat pain under control.  Normally start with just moving water around in my mouth - somewhere near room temperature works best.  Too cold only aggravates things.  After 10 mins or so of that, can at least swallow albeit cautiously and ready to move on to drinking small amounts from a glass / sipper bottle.  It is now 8:45 and settled into that part of my routine now.

District Nurse is due within next 15-20 mins to replace the morphine driver and Lance or Bax will arrive around 9:15 to get us ready for the trek into the hospital for treatment.

There are two variations for my "grooming".  If I wake up feeling chirpy, I'll shower before going to the hosp.  Otherwise, I shower before my afternoon nap.

Treatments are all now 11:30, so back home around 12:45 in time for Heather to arrive and take over looking after me.  The looking after is more being there in case something happens.

I have my afternoon nap around 1:30 - 2:00pm and get a couple of hours out of it.  Same old coughing, etc, but I'm told it is a sound sleep, so that is good.  Strangely, can either wake up feeling rejuvenated or still knackered.  Option 2 I can't explain, unless it is relating to the chill pills that I'm back to taking before the RT

Heather finishes at 5pm, so Ruth normally calls in for handover - to make sure nothing has happened I might not tell her about  and she either settles in for her night shift, or hangs around until Moira checks in, then goes home.

I have my last meds and fire up the pump at 8pm, then normally straight off to bed because I just can't keep my eyes open.  Last few nights have found that by propping myself up in bed for 1/2 an hour or so, seems to help minimise the first round of phlegm control.  Take whatever I can get.

Boring life at moment, but hopefully with the treatments almost over, I'll start getting some energy back soon.

Some of the weird dreams seem to be going as well - another plus.

There you go, my daily routine

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